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Behaviour Management
Seminars for Primary & Secondary Teachers
Presented by Dr Bill Rogers
This seminar is designed specifically for teachers with less than 5 years' experience in the classroom and will provide strategies for developing a positive approach to behaviour leadership and discipline.
During this highly practical seminar Bill will share:
• The core principals of positive behaviour leadership and discipline skills
• The language of correction and discipline
• How to establish a class well - covering basics such as initiating and sustaining attention, engagement and motivation, noise levels and time-on-task
• How to develop a class behaviour agreement - whole class/developing rights, responsibilities and rules
• Following up and following-through with students, especially those who present with on-going 'behaviour problems'
• Developing effective use of 'time-out'
• Using behaviour consequences
• Managing frustration and anger in behaviour management situations
• Managing challenging students in and out of class
• Key aspects of colleague support – peer coaching/mentoring/appraisal
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Seminar Program
Registration 8.30am – 9.00am Seminar 9.00am – 3.00pm
*Please Note: As so many teachers wish to attend our SYDNEY seminars we now offer separate days for PRIMARY and Secondary Teachers. Please ensure you enrol in the correct seminar.
Click on Seminar title for full details
A Seminar for Primary & Secondary Teachers
Presented by Dr Bill Rogers
This seminar will help in addressing a challenge faced by many teachers today – Why is this particular class so difficult? What can we do, together, to change things? How can we get out of the spiral of defeat and low expectation to enhance success in learning, and social interaction? Most of all how can we support one another?
• What do we mean by hard class
• Why do some classes get hard or have a reputation?
• The importance of establishing classes well
– the first hours, first days
– the critical first meeting with new classes, particularly 'reputation classes
– re-establishing a class that has gone off the rails
• Approaches to cracking a hard or reputation class
• Developing individual behaviour management plans for troublesome and behaviourally disordered students
• Teacher bullying – why some teachers are bullied and how to address it
• Teacher stress
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Register 5 or more delegates and pay $278 per person
Seminar Program
Registration 8.30am – 9.00am Seminar 9.00am – 3.00pm
Click on the Seminar title below to see full details
Behaviour Management for Beginning Teachers
Cracking the Hard Class
Dynamic Teaching
A Seminar for Classroom Teachers Reception - Year 8
Presented by Kath Murdoch
Practical approaches to strengthening the skills and dispositions needed for learning across the curriculum and for life!
Our curriculum provides us with a framework not only for developing knowledge and skills in the disciplines but capabilities that transfer across learning areas. In the contemporary classroom, educators work to help learners see themselves as capable, curious, resourceful individuals with a strong sense of agency. There is growing evidence of the importance of nurturing the kinds of dispositions and skills associated with agency. Being curious, adventurous, resilient, coupled with the skills of self-management, collaboration, thinking, and communication are amongst what we can think of as ‘assets’ for learning. Growing these assets in our learners helps set them on a path to independence, contribution to community and a love of learning for life.
These skills and dispositions do not grow by chance – they are best developed through an explicit, thoughtful, embedded approach that embodies an inquiry stance. The role of the educator is pivotal. In this wonderfully interactive and motivating workshop, Kath will draw upon her vast experience of introducing her ‘learning assets’ to schools all over the world and sharing really practical ways to effectively embed skills and dispositions for learning into our work with children and their families.
We will explore ways of approaching the 6 learning assets but this workshop will be relevant to educators working with the IB Approaches to Learning and Profile Attributes as well as the general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum or indeed any collection of generic skills and/or character traits schools might have developed. Those participants yet to develop such a framework, will walk away with a template for introducing one and a strong repertoire of strategies to support implementation.
Over the course of the day, participants will:
- Take a deep dive into the skills and dispositions associated with self-management, collaboration, research, thinking, communication and contribution
- Participate in and design learning tasks to explicitly develop skills associated with assets for learning
- Explore ways to use the ‘language of learning’ in daily classroom discourse
- Learn how to design ‘split screen’ learning intentions and build learning engagements that focus on the how of learning – not just the what
- Explore a range of texts we can use to promote skills and dispositions for learning
- Consider approaches to assessment in relation to these assets for learning Learn how to weave the teaching of these skills and dispositions can be woven into curriculum planning.
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Register 5 or more delegates and pay $278 per person
Please Note: You may use the Register (Group) button below to enrol 2 or more delegates as it will be quicker. The Group Discount is automatically calculated when you enter 5 or more delegates.
Seminar Program
Registration 8.30am – 9.00am Seminar 9.00am – 3.00pm